u Basic Income Club
Basic Income Club
Basic Income Club

For an unconditional universal free basic income for all worldwide
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A secure world without poverty is just possible with a free basic income.

A free basic income to all people worldwide has the following benefits:
• Elimination of poverty, resulting in no more existential fears;
• Elimination of survival crimes, people are no longer forced into criminality, therefore there will be more security on the street and at home;
• Elimination of illnesses caused by poverty, which are even more disastrous when health care isn't affordable;
• Elimination of lowest wages, people aren't forced anymore to do any job for any wage;
• To halt the over-populating, children aren't needed anymore for life insurance;
• At the same amount worldwide: Elimination of economic refugees, wherever you live you receive the same basic income;
If we want a secure world without poverty a free basic income is essential. And it is very important that it is the same amount worldwide.

Unfortunately this is not possible under the present financial system, the interest debt money system.
Why: Governments cannot afford to pay it, it would be created by interest-demanding debt which leads to accumulating more and more debt.
More information about the Interest debt money

That means for the implementation of a basic income worldwide it is needed to establish an alternative basic income currency first.
• Bitcoin, and those like it can be implemented by mining, which does require a lot of real resources.
• A self-enrichment by its founders is usual.
• There are many snowball systems: meaning limited creation, and the rising demand to inflate the prices. Again and again, a bubble will form and burst one day!
• Exchange traded cypto-currencies are part of the financial casino. When we want to get rid of the old systems we must not participate at the financial casino.
• Anonymous transactions can be used for criminal activities.
• Transfers can get lost, the coins can be stolen by hackers.
• They are not linked to a tax system, governments may fight or prohibit them.
• The value of the crypto-currencies is how much people are willing to pay for it. If people don't buy them anymore they are worthless.
However they can be an alternative temporary during the times of the coming hyperinflation of the interest debt money currencies.
What is a hyperinflation

Introduction of a basic income currency system
• An alternative money System, from the people for the people!
• Money creation by payment of a free weekly basic income to all participants.
• Money elimination of the basic income currency by a demurrage charge.
• Decentralized: In cooperation with the municipalities (basic income payments to all residents), payment records should only be available locally.
At the development version it is still a centralized club-internal closed system of a virtual currency.
Once established, cooperation with governments is sought so that the basic income amounts can be used for all payments.

Advantages compared to the present system
• Automatic basic income for all - no applications for social payments anymore if existing at all;
• No inflation anymore - system-related rising of the prices and wages is past.
• Value saving of income from work (no inflation, no demurrage charge), pensions based on worked hours.
• Interest-free financing of the municipalities, they can employ anybody who wants to work. Own production of cheap organic food then is possible.
• Interest-free financing of home ownerschip, automatic reductions of the home loan amount (by demurrage), no mortgage needed anymore.
• Negative balances at international transfers are not possible anymore, so no debt creation and interest payments because of that needed anymore.
• No private profit-taking at the system, no system-related money moves from the people to the rich anymore.

Your participation and financial support is required now!
The Membership requires a minimum age of 14 years, the registration is FREE!
So just your free participation is needed here now.

For the initial fundraising the project is connected with a fundraising game.
With your registration here you are also registered there.
The payment method there is Bitcoin at the beginning.
There is an invitation reward of 25% and 10% (2 levels).
However no obligation for a payment ever, your free participation is also helpful.
And of course if you are able to invite others that would be great!

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